Wise Words from Criminal Minds

When I titled this commentary Wise Words from Criminal Minds—I did not actually mean criminal minds, but rather, quotes from the TV show Criminal Minds.

The fictional series follows a group of criminal profilers who work for the FBI as members of its Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU). They use behavioural analysis and profiling to help investigate crimes and find the suspect—known as the unsub [unknown subject].

The show features one or more quotes at the start of most episodes and sometimes at the end. The quotes are often from historical figures.

Below are just some examples.

“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”
—Joseph Conrad, a Polish writer working in England regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the English language.

“Evil is always unspectacular, and always human, and shares our bed, and eats at our table.”
—Wystan Hugh Auden, (Anglo-American) poet known for his vast poetic work in many forms on many themes.

Better to be violent if there’s violence in our hearts than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence.” —Gandhi

“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” — Gandhi.

“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.”
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Lutheran pastor, theologian, a participant in the German resistance movement against Nazism and founding member of the Confessing Church. (The Nazi regime executed him on 9 April 1945.)

“We can easily forgive a child who’s afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” —Plato.

“In order to learn the important lessons in life, one must each day surmount a fear.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

“Nothing is easier than denouncing the evildoer. Nothing more difficult than understanding him.”
—Dostoyevsky, Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist. (Numerous literary critics regard him as one of the greatest novelists in all of world literature, as many of his works are considered highly influential masterpieces.)

“He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.”
—Leonardo da Vinci

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and author

“I’m not afraid of death. It’s the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.” —Jean Giraudoux, French novelist, essayist, diplomat and playwright

“There is no present or future; only the past, happening over and over again now.”
—Eugene O’Neill, American playwright and Nobel Laureate in Literature.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” —Albert Einstein

“Your memory is a monster; it summons with a will of its own. You think you have a memory, but it has you.”
—John Irving, an American novelist and Academy Award-winning screenwriter (The Cider House Rules, based on his novel of the same name)

Derrick in the SS

Anyone who grew up in Germany or the Netherlands, would have seen at least one episode of the German Police drama Derrick, set in Munich. The show ran between 1974 and 1998. It is well-rumoured that even Pope John Paul II was a fan.

Yesterday, I started watching a TV show called Faking Hitler. It is about Konrad Kujau, the man who forged the Hitler diaries. The show mentioned that Horst Tappert had been in the Waffen SS. Horst Tappert was the actor who played the aforementioned character Derrick, as seen in the above picture.

This came as a surprise to me. In April 2013, information emerged he had served as a member of the notorious Waffen-SS during World War II and had hidden the fact for years. Reruns of Derrick were suspended in Germany and some other countries as a result. He had never personally disclosed his connection with the SS. At age 19, he was, according to his widow against his will, transferred from the Army to the Waffen-SS. Initially a member of a reserve anti-aircraft unit in Arolsen, he was listed as a grenadier with the 3rd SS Division Totenkopf in March 1943. In 1945, he was briefly a prisoner of war in Seehausen, Altmark. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising from 19 April to 16 May 1943 was the training Battalion of the 3rd Panzer Division Totenkopf that took part in the suppression of the uprising. Given the fact that was soon after Tappert had joined the division, there is a great likelihood he would have been involved.

Horst Tappert wasn’t the only one with a connection to Derrick that had an SS past. The main author of the Derrick stories, Herbert Reinecker, joined the Hitler Youth movement in 1932 at the age of 17. From April 1935 onward, Reinecker worked full-time as a propagandist for the Nazi youth movement.

In 1936, Reinecker moved to Berlin where he became the editor-in-chief of the youth magazine, Jungvolk. In the same year, he also co-authored a book, Jugend in Waffen (Armed Youth). This was a time when the Nazis had already been in power for three years and when the media had long been gleichgeschaltet (the process of Nazification by which Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party successively established a system of totalitarian control). In 1943, he joined the Nazi Party and worked as the editor-in-chief of a magazine, Der Pimpf (The Pimp) about the training system of the Hitler Youth. Throughout World War II, Reinecker served in the propaganda company of the Waffen SS.

I was wondering why there weren’t any reruns of the show. I moved to Ireland in 1997, it’s why I missed out on the media reports in Germany and the Netherlands about the Derrick scandal.

Horst Tappert died in 2008, and Herbert Reinecker on 27 January 2007, ironically the date of the International Holocaust remembrance.







Happy Birthday Doctor Who

At 5.16pm on the 23rd November 1963 the BBC premiered “An Unearthly Child” and UK television viewers were introduced to the incredible world of Doctor Who for the first time.

William Hartnell was the Doctor, a strange old man who could travel through time and space in his police box. Little did anyone know that this was just the first incarnation of a character who would go on to be so iconic for well over half a century, 59 years and counting.

Doctor Who first appeared on the BBC Television Service at 17:16:20 GMT on Saturday, 23 November 1963; this was eighty seconds later than the scheduled program time, because of announcements concerning the previous day’s assassination of John F. Kennedy.It was to be a regular weekly programme, each episode 25 minutes of transmission length. Discussions and plans for the programme had been in progress for a year. The head of drama Sydney Newman was mainly responsible for developing the programme, with the first format document for the series being written by Newman along with the head of the script department (later head of serials) Donald Wilson and staff writer C. E. Webber; in a 1971 interview Wilson claimed to have named the series, and when this claim was put to Newman he did not dispute it. Writer Anthony Coburn, story editor David Whitaker and initial producer Verity Lambert also heavily contributed to the development of the series.

The show was originally designed to be an educational adventure of sorts for families, learning about history and science depending on where they travelled.



Dallas-A House Divided


I think it is safe to say that Dallas was one if not ‘the’ biggest TV show ever to be aired, probably even bigger than “Game of Thrones” and in a way the shows have similarities even though they are set in completely different settings.

I know they tried to revive ‘Dallas’ a few years ago but every knew it wasn’t going to work.

The episode called “A House Divided” which first aired on March 21 1980 will probably mean nothing to most of you, but if I say it’s the one where JR got shot every one will know.


“A House Divided” served as both an introduction to the now common practice of season-ending cliffhangers and the beginning of an eight-month international media frenzy.[11] International betting offices created a set of odds for the possible suspects: “Dusty Farlow (J. R.’s wife Sue Ellen’s lover, who disappeared after a plane crash) was the 6 to 4 favorite, followed by Vaughn Leland (a banker J. R. swindled) and Kristin Shepard (J. R.’s mistress) at 4 to 1. Sue Ellen herself was a long shot at 25 to 1, as is J.R.’s long- suffering mom, Miss Ellie.


“Who Shot J.R.?” entered the national lexicon, becoming a popular T-shirt slogan, and heightening anticipation of the soap’s third season, which was to come in the fall. Much to the dismay of Dallas fans, the premiere was delayed because of a Screen Actors Guild strike. When it finally aired, the episode revealing the shooter became one of television’s most-watched shows, with an audience of 83 million people, and helped put Dallas into greater worldwide circulation.


++++ Spoiler Alert+++++

I know it is probably overkill to indicate a spoiler alert at this stage but one can never be too careful.

JR was shot by an Irish man who lives on Craggy Island in the Parish of Father Ted.He confessed to the crime by wearing a Tee Shirt admitting he had done it.


That was a joke of course, but that just indicates the cultural significance of the shooting of JR, literally the whole world spoke about it.

The real perpetrator was Kristin Shepard, JR’s mistress and sister in law, played by Bing Crosby’s daughter


The shooting of JR wasn’t the only big cliffhanger of course, who could forget Bobby Ewings’s shower scene, a resurrection if there ever was one.



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Have a Yabba Dabba Do time- The Darker side of the Flintstones


Who hasn’t grown up watching the Flintstones, a wholesome family TV show if there ever was one. However it did have a slightly darker side.

The Flintstones was originally aimed at an adult audience and the first two seasons were co-sponsored by Winston cigarettes.



It was only at season 3 when it became mor child friendly and was sponsored by Welch’s, who produced grape juice and jellies.

The First Couple to be Shown in the Same Bed Together on Prime Time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.


This occurred during The Flintstones’ original run on ABC from 1960 until 1966. Many falsely claim that the Ricardos from I Love Lucy were the first couple to do so, but in fact Lucy and Ricky slept in separate beds for the duration of that series.

It is still one of the most entertaining TV shows though.



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The other impact of 9/11


I was struggling to come up with an appropriate title ,this is the best I could come up with. In this blog I am not looking at the obvious impact of that awful day but to the impact it had on the entertainment industry and also how we looked at different aspects of climate change.

The entertainment industry.

There were many TV shows and movies affected by the attacks but I am only highlighting the aftermath of 9/11 on the 2 most popular shows at the time.

The Sopranos


Definitely in my top 3 of all time favourite TV shows, it really raised the bar for other shows coming after it.

I only started watching the show on box sets several years after it aired. For the first 3 season it had the World Trade Center in the opening credits. Where Tony Soprano catches a  quick glimpse of the buildings in the rear view mirror of his car.However in season 4 that sequence has been removed and changed.




Although I never really got the show and why so many people were so fascinated by it, I do realize it is the most popular sitcom to have ever aired on a global scale.

In episode 3 of season 8, titled ‘The One Where Rachel Tells Ross”  which was filmed before the attacks. The original script included scenes where Chandler made fun of airport security and Monica seemed to issue terrorist commands to Joey and Phoebe by phone. The episode was supposed to be aired 2 weeks after the attack. The subplot was changed to Monica and Chandler newlywed privileges.

Climate Change

Global Dimming

One of the definitions of Global Dimming It is a phenomenon that happens due to reduction in the solar rays falling on the earth’s surface. The residues and particulates such as sulfur dioxide, ash, soot (black carbon), that are produced after combustion of fossil fuels cause global dimming .

I am not a climate expert but the way I understand it Global Dimming is the opposite of Global Warming.


Although the term Global Dimming had been branded about since the 1950’s,it was after the attacks where a more serious look was taken at the phenomenon.

Dr David Travis of University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, was on his way to work on September 12 2001, about 800 miles west of New York. He looked at the skies and noticed they appeared to be bluer  and much clearer then before.

For 15 years Dr Travis had been doing research on this  apparently obscure topic, on the effect of  vapour trails left by aircraft  and if they were having a significant effect on the climate. Because of all flights being grounded in the US directly after the attacks, Travis finally had a chance to find out.  During the period, an increase in diurnal temperature variation of over 1 °C (1.8 °F) was observed in some parts of the U.S.The 1 degree Celsius reduction in temperature is may not mean anything for a common man, but scientific records show that this sort of abrupt reduction in temperature can have adverse effects in the future.

Ironically this opportunity to study the effects of the contrails was one of the few positives to come from the 9/11 attacks.




I am passionate about my site and I know you all like reading my blogs. I have been doing this at no cost and will continue to do so. All I ask is for a voluntary donation of $2, however if you are not in a position to do so I can fully understand, maybe next time then. Thank you. To donate click on the credit/debit card icon of the card you will use. If you want to donate more then $2 just add a higher number in the box left from the PayPal link. Many thanks.






Help Save Nature

R.U.R: Rossum’s Universal Robots


On February 11, 1938 the BBC broadcast the first piece of television science-fiction ever.

A thirty-five-minute adapted extract of the play RUR, written by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek, was broadcast live from the BBC’s Alexandra Palace studios. Concerning a future world in which robots rise up against their human masters, it was the only piece of science fiction to be produced until the BBC television service resumed after the war..

The play introduced the word robot, which displaced older words such as “automaton” or “android” in languages around the world. In an article in Lidové noviny Karel Čapek named his brother Josef as the true inventor of the word.In Czech, robota means forced labour of the kind that serfs had to perform on their masters’ lands and is derived from rab, meaning “slave”.


The play had been referenced in several popular TV shows after it’s first broadcast in 1938.

n the Star Trek episode “Requiem for Methuselah”, the android’s name is Rayna Kapec (an anagram, though not a homophone, of Capek)

Rayna Kapec

In Batman: The Animated Series, the scientist that created the HARDAC machine is named Karl Rossum. HARDAC created mechanical replicants to replace existing humans, with the ultimate goal of replacing all humans. One of the robots is seen driving a car with “RUR” as the license plate number.

The 1999 Blake’s 7 radio play The Syndeton Experiment included a character named Dr. Rossum who turned humans into robots.


In the 1977 Doctor Who serial “The Robots of Death”, the robot servants turn on their human masters under the influence of an individual named Taren Capel.


In the 1995 science fiction series The Outer Limits, in the remake of the “I, Robot” episode from the original 1964 series, the business where the robot Adam Link is built is named “Rossum Hall Robotics.

In Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, when Wolff wakes Chalmers, she has been reading a copy of R.U.R. in her bed. This presages the fact that she is later revealed to be an android.


Although the original play was written in 1920 nearly a 100 years later it is still referenced in Sci Fi shows and ganes. Currently a new movie version is in production with a release date in 2019.






updated February 11 2024


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Who shot JR?


This question will trigger 2 new questions.

The 1st one by younger generations who never experienced the anxiety that Dallas fans had, their question will be “Who is Jr?”dallas 15

The second group who belong to my generation and older, when they realize that the question in the title was answered today 37 years ago, they will ask themselves”37 year!,am I really that old?

On this day in 1980, 350 million people around the world tune in to television’s popular primetime drama “Dallas” to find out who shot J.R. Ewing, the character fans loved to hate. J.R. had been shot on the season-ending episode the previous March 21, which now stands as one of television’s most famous cliffhangers.

Not that it really mattered whodunit. What mattered was, the issue was settled. The mystery solved. Dallas fans could finally move on.

The November 21 episode solved the mystery, identifying Kristin Shepard, J.R.’s wife’s sister and his former mistress, as the culprit.


Who thought that Bing Crosby’s daughter could so such a thing.

As J.R. had many enemies, audiences were hard-pressed to guess who was responsible for his attempted murder. That summer, the question “Who Shot J.R.?” entered the national lexicon, becoming a popular t-shirt slogan, and heightening anticipation of the soap’s third season, which was to air in the fall. After a much-talked-about contract dispute with Hagman was finally settled, the season was delayed because of a Screen Actors Guild strike, much to the dismay of “Dallas” fans. When it finally aired, the episode revealing J.R.’s shooter became one of television’s most watched shows, with an audience of 83 million people in the U.S. alone—a full 76 percent of all U.S. televisions on that night were tuned in—and helped put “Dallas” into greater worldwide circulation. It also popularized the use of the cliffhanger by television writers.

J.R.’s poor wife Sue Ellen, unsurprisingly drunk at the time, got the blame first, and was jailed, with father-in-law Jock (the sorely missed Jim Davis) turning on her with a vengeance.

But in the end, it was Kristin Shepard, Sue Ellen’s sister and J.R.’s mistress, who did the deed, stealing J.R.’s gun from Sue Ellen by tempting the onetime beauty queen with liquor and later sneaking the weapon back into Sue Ellen’s closet.

When she finally confessed to J.R. and Sue Ellen, the “Dallas” writers had another twist up their sleeves. You can’t jail me, Kristin taunted, “Not unless you want YOUR CHILD born in prison.”

Cue the DUH-DUH-DUH swelling music. Yes, pregnancy, the convenient wrench thrown into all soap-opera stories.


Kristin Shepard then went on to kill JR’s brother Bobby. Or did she?

Well yes and no, she did kill him by car but in a twist that didn’t actually happen, Because after Bobby was dead for a season he suddenly appeared in a shower again.



But that would warrant a complete separate blog.

Although Tom(Pat Shortt) a character in the sitcom “Father Ted” claims he shot JR we can safely assume it was in fact Sue Ellen’s sister who did it.



I am passionate about my site and I know you all like reading my blogs. I have been doing this at no cost and will continue to do so. All I ask is for a voluntary donation of $2, however if you are not in a position to do so I can fully understand, maybe next time then. Thank you. To donate click on the credit/debit card icon of the card you will use. If you want to donate more then $2 just add a higher number in the box left from the PayPal link. Many thanks.



NFL- Heidi


You are all set , the game is on. Popcorn and Hot dogs on the table. Beer cooling in the fridge. The most comfortable chair in front of the TV, ready for THE match.

Wow a great match, only 3 points between the team, 65 seconds to go, it’s going to be a thriller… WTF???????


The game between the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders on November 17, 1968 featured two of the American Football League’s marquee teams, and a combined 10 future Pro Football Hall of Famers.

On November 17, 1968, the Oakland Raiders score two touchdowns in nine seconds to beat the New York Jets–and no one sees it, because they’re watching the movie Heidi instead. With just 65 seconds left to play, NBC switched off the game in favor of its previously scheduled programming, a made-for-TV version of the children’s story about a young girl and her grandfather in the Alps. Viewers were outraged, and they complained so vociferously that network execs learned a lesson they’ll never forget: “Whatever you do,” one said, “you better not leave an NFL football game.”

The game between the Jets and the Raiders was already shaping up to be a classic: It featured two of the league’s best teams and 10 future Hall of Fame players. By the game’s last minute the two teams had traded the lead eight times. The game’s intensity translated into an unusual number of penalties and timeouts, which meant that it was running a bit long.


With a little more than a minute left to play, the Jets kicked a 26-yard field goal that gave them a 32-29 lead. After the New York kickoff, the Raiders returned the ball to their own 23-yard line. What happened after that will go down in football history: Raiders quarterback Daryle Lamonica threw a 20-yard pass to halfback Charlie Smith; a facemask penalty moved the ball to the Jets’ 43; and on the next play, Lamonica passed again to Smith, who ran it all the way for a touchdown. The Raiders took the lead, 32-36. Then the Jets fumbled the kickoff, and Oakland’s Preston Ridlehuber managed to grab the ball and run it two yards for another touchdown. Oakland had scored twice in nine seconds, and the game was over: They’d won 43-32.

But nobody outside the Oakland Coliseum actually saw any of this, because NBC went to commercial right after the Jets’ kickoff and never came back. Instead, they did what they’d been planning to do for weeks: At 7 PM, they began to broadcast a brand-new version of Heidi, a film they were sure would win them high ratings during November sweeps.



Before the game began, network execs had talked about what they’d do if the game ran over its scheduled time, and they decided to go ahead with the movie no matter what. 6a00d8341c630a53ef010536014c8f970c-800wiSo, that’s what NBC programmer Dick Cline did. “I waited and waited,” he said later, “and I heard nothing. We came up to that magic hour and I thought, ‘Well, I haven’t been given any counter-order so I’ve got to do what we agreed to do.’”

NBC execs had actually changed their minds, and were trying to get in touch with Cline to tell him to leave the game on until it was over. But all the telephone lines were busy: Thousands of people were calling the network to urge programmers to air Heidi as scheduled, and thousands more were calling to demand that the football game stay on the air. Football fans grew even more livid when NBC printed the results of the game at the bottom of the screen 20 minutes after the game ended. So many irate fans called NBC that the network’s switchboard blew. Undeterred, people started calling the telephone company, the New York Times and the NYPD, whose emergency lines they clogged for hours.

Shortly after the Heidi debacle, the NFL inserted a clause into its TV contracts that guaranteed that all games would be broadcast completely in their home markets. For its part, NBC installed a new phone–the “Heidi Phone”–in the control room that had its own exchange and switchboard. Such a disaster, the network assured its viewers, would never be allowed to happen again.



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Talked to Murder-The Jenny Jones talk show drama


Talk shows used to be entertaining but they have turned into a bench marking tool the bring out the worst in society when you look at some titles of the Jerry Springer or Jeremy Kyle show



It’s no wonder that it would come to the stage where someone would get killed.

Jonathan Schmitz was 24 years old when his acquaintance Scott Amedure, 32, revealed he was romantically interested in him during a taping of the “Jenny Jones Show,” which was filmed in Chicago. Schmitz, who said he wasn’t gay, fatally shot Amedure in Lake Orion three days after the taping.


On March 6, 1995, Amedure Scott_Amedurewas taped for an episode of The Jenny Jones Show, in which he admitted to being a secret admirer of Jonathan Schmitz, who lived near him in Lake Orion, Michigan.Until the taping, Schmitz had no idea who his secret admirer was. Schmitz stated that he went on the show out of curiosity, and he later claimed that the producers implied that his admirer was a woman,although the producers of the show claim that they did tell Schmitz that the admirer could be male or female.

During the segment, Amedure was encouraged by Jones to share his fantasies about Schmitz, after which Schmitz was brought onstage. The two men exchanged an awkward embrace before the host dropped her bombshell.


In response to Amedure’s disclosure, Schmitz laughed, then stated that he was “completely heterosexual”.

According to testimony at the murder trial, three days after the taping, Amedure left a “suggestive” note at Schmitz’s house.After finding the note, Schmitz withdrew money from the bank, purchased a shotgun, and then went to Amedure’s mobile home. He questioned Amedure about the note. Schmitz then returned to his car, took his gun, and returned to Amedure’s trailer. He then shot Amedure twice in the chest, killing him.

Schmitz turned himself in to police, saying he killed Amedure because he was embarrassed on national television.

He was sentenced 25 to 50 years for second-degree murder.


In 1999, the Amedure family sued The Jenny Jones Show, Telepictures, and Warner Bros. for the ambush tactics and, as the Amedure family saw it, their supposedly negligent role that led to Amedure’s death. In May, the jury awarded the Amedures $25 million.The jury found that The Jenny Jones Show was both irresponsible and negligent, contending that the show intentionally created an explosive situation without due concern for the possible consequences.


Time Warner’s defense attorney later claimed the verdict would cause a chilling effect on the industry.The judgment was later overturned by the Michigan Court of Appeals in a 2-to-1 decision.The Michigan Supreme Court declined to hear the case.

Geoffrey Fieger, who served as an attorney for the Amedure family, said that everybody involved in the Jenny Jones Show also deserved imprisonment.

‘That show set him (Schmitz) up and certainly took Scott Amedure’s life for no reason,’ Fieger said.The episode never aired but clips were shown on news shows.

The Jenny Jones show was cancelled in 2003 after recording the lowest ratings of any daytime talk show.435C0F0B00000578-4803478-image-a-6_1503089784312

Schmitz, now 47, was granted parole after a March hearing and was released on the 23rd of August 2017.


Scott’s older brother, Frank Amedure Jr., said he’s troubled by the parole decision and that he’s unsure Schmitz “learned what he should have” in prison.

“I wanted assurance that the (parole board’s) decision was not based on just good behavior in prison,” he said. “I’d like to know that he learned something, that he’s a changed man, is no longer homophobic and has gotten psychological care.”

Looking at the talk shows that run nowadays it is only a matter of time before someone gets killed again.




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