Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview -the actual facts.

I usually don’t do celebrity blogs but I felt I had to do one because I think making such a big issue about the interview while we are in the middle of a pandemic, where millions of people have dies and who knows how many more will die is disgusting. No only that but it will make the divide of those who are privileged and those who struggle bigger and will give fuel to the expansion of both far right and far left extremism.

No one should be denied the right to voice their grievances . However it is a different story when these grievances are within a family, and especially direct family.

The wider audience should be spared that, it should stay within the family. I don’t mean when there is any physical abuse or sexual abuse, then of course everyone should know about it.

However this was not the case with Meghan and Harry. The worse accusation there was racism, but it was an allegation based on hear say . Meghan told Oprah that Harry was asked by another member of the family what colour skin the baby was going to be. What I find bizarre about that, Harry wasn’t there when this allegation was made. He joined the interview later. So why not wait to talk about that until Harry was there? What we have now is hear say. Even Meghan’s own father has his doubts.

The other ‘bad’ thing was that Harry’s dad ,Prince Charles, had not spoken to him in a while, or would not answer his calls. You would nearly say that Harry is a teenage boy who needs his Father’s guidance all the time. But he isn’t his a 35 year army veteran, who served in Afghanistan. Dear Harry my dad didn’t talk to me form age 9 to 27 ad I didn’t even make such a big deal about is as you did.

Coming back about the whole issue of racism. Things are often said within families which may sound horrible to an outsider but really is just banter within the confined environment of the family. I have said horrible things about my family in the past and sometimes still do. However if Harry really wants to make an issue about that, he seems to have forgotten this incident at a party in 2005.

Four years later in 2009 he used a racist term against a Pakistani soldier.

Meghan made a big deal about her children not having a security detail assigned to them, paid for by the tax payers , well guess what there are billions of children across the world who don’t.

Also Meghan and Harry decided to leave the confines pf the royal family and move to Canada and then Los Angeles. Waiving all royal titles and responsibilities, knowing that this would result in not having a security detail assigned to them anymore. So what is the point she was actually making?

Meghan and Harry have a combined net worth of about 50 millions US dollar, also they have secured a deal with Netflix worth 100 million US dollar. I think they are well placed to afford paying for security themselves.

then it takes us to one of the reasons why they left Britain, it was the scrutiny of the media. Harry also compared the situation to hat of his mother. He has often said in the past that the press and mainly the paparazzi killed his mother Diana. There is no doubt that Diana was hounded by the paparazzi but she was killed because of the fact that her driver was speeding into a tunnel and he was also drunk.

As you can see the above article about the report that tests proved Diana’s driver was drunk, is from NBC the same broadcaster who broadcasted the interview, so if Harry doesn’t believe those reports why would he sign up to do an interview with Oprah on NBC? The word that comes to mind is hypocrisy

The whole issue about escaping the media is non sensical, Meghan is an actress, media is what she does . Not even mentioning the times they were photographed for a fee by the likes of Hello magazine and others.

Meghan also said that the actual wedding was more or less only done as a media event. They actually got married a few days earlier with only them two and the bishop . This of course can not be true because it could not have just been the 3 of them, it would also have legally required witnesses. So this kind of makes me doubt the validity of that claim and in fact all the claims she made during that interview.

I actually should not call it an interview what it really was, was a rant of 2 very privileged people talking to a billionaire media mogul.

I always respected Oprah Winfrey but lately I have been questioning her integrity. During this interview she didn’t ask any probing questions, it was really just a matter of agreeing to what Harry and Meghan said without exploring the validity of their claims.

A few months ago I saw Oprah interviewing a group of wealthy African Americans about white privilege. As I said I always respected Oprah and was also impressed by her integrity but I feel she has lost some of that.

One last point on the Harry and Meghan interview. That point is the timing of it. Aside from the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic, and by the way I didn’t see any of them wearing a mask, where so may have died and other will be suffering for years to come. Talking about the issues you have with your family in front of a global audience shows very little respect and compassion for anyone but yourself, On top if that, Harry’s 99 year old grand father is in hospital recovering from a heart operation , far as I understand, given the fact he is 99 means there is a high chance he may not recover, Then there is Harry complaining that his own father doesn’t call him, I don’t know but could that have something to do that Prince Charles is worried about his own father?

The bombing of Buckingham Palace


Buckingham Palace was hit by bombs seven times during the Second World War. It was just a matter of sheer luck that King George VI and Queen Elizabeth weren’t killed or very badly injured when the third raid took place on September 13th, 1940.

bp bomb

The king and queen were in one of the rooms near where the bomb went off. But crucially, the window to that room was open at the time. Hence no glass was blown into the room and the royal couple escaped unscathed. One man did die in the attack though, due to the shards and several others were injured.

bp bomb2

The bombing attack took place at about eleven in the morning – a time when it was likely to be fully occupied with members of the royal family, staff and workmen. The king and queen were quietly sitting enjoying a cup of tea when the bombs exploded just outside their window.

The royal chapel at the palace was also damaged at the same time by a third bomb. The bomb plummeted through the roof destroying the altar, causing a great deal of structural damage and hurling tons of debris into the basement.

The young princesses, Margaret and Elizabeth, were living at Windsor Castle – twenty miles away from the palace – at the time and indeed for the duration of the war. The government had tried to persuade the royal family to live somewhere safer than London, with its constant attacks from the Luftwaffe.


Queen Elizabeth detailed the events of the daylight raid that occurred on Friday, September 13, 1940 in a letter to her mother-in-law, Queen Mary.

September 13th 1940

My Darling Mama

I hardly know how to begin to tell you of the horrible attack on Buckingham Palace this morning…

…At this moment we heard the unmistakable whirr-whirr of a German plane – We said “ah a German”, and before anything else could be said, there was the noise of aircraft diving at great speed, and then the scream of a bomb – It all happened so quickly, that we had only time to look foolishly at each other, when the scream hurtled past us, and exploded with a tremendous crash in the quadrangle –

I saw a great column of smoke & earth thrown up into the air, and then we all ducked like lightning into the corridor – There was another tremendous explosion, and we & our 2 pages who were outside the door, remained for a moment or two in the corridor away from the staircase, in case of flying glass. It is curious how one’s instinct works at those moments of great danger, as quite without thinking, the urge was to get away from the windows. Everybody remained wonderfully calm, and we went down to the shelter – I went along to see if the housemaids were alright, and found them busy in their various shelters – Then came a cry for “bandages”, and the first aid party, who had been training for over a year, rose magnificently to the occasion, and treated the 3 poor casualties calmly and correctly –

Darling mama, I do hope that you will let me come & stay a day or two later – It is so sad being parted, as this War has parted famillies.

With my love, and prayers for your safety, ever darling Mama your loving daughter in law


P.S. Dear old B.P is still standing, and that is the main thing.




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