This one is for the plane spotters among you. On January 22, 1970 ,the Boeing 747, the world’s first “jumbo jet”, enters commercial service for launch customer Pan American Airways with its maiden voyage from John F. Kennedy International Airport to London Heathrow Airport.

These are just some images of the Boeing 747 or Jumbo Jet.

Smoking, drinking and having kids parties, whilst flying.

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Nowadays flying can be quite stressful, there are just so many safety regulations one had to adhere to it really takes the fun out of air travel.

Even before you get on board you are interrogated, nearly stripped naked, forced to drink your bottle of liquid asap or dispose of it, and that is only the checking in part.

However flying wasn’t always this stressful and especially when you were flying first class, the sky was literally the limit.Once on board, the average passenger, even in economy, had plenty of legroom. In fact, business class today is spatially very similar to what economy used to be like. Once aboard, all service was complimentary. And because the stewardess-to-passenger ratio was so much higher back then than it is today, you could expect one to nearly instantly cater your every (non-salacious) need.

Here are just some reminders of flying first class 1960’s style.

The passengers were offered unlimited alcohol and smoking was no issue.flying_first_class_1960s (9).jpg

Plenty of opportunities for kids to be entertained.

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And no disposable cutlery or plates, and a good choice of menus. Freshly made food served at your seat.flying_first_class_1960s (1)

I don’t know which airliners offered these services, the last picture is from a Swissair flight, however I do know this was quite standard with a number of airliners and especially for long haul flights.


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All that is interesting.