Saying goodbye to 2020, saying hello to 2021.

The media migh have you believe that 2020 was all about Covid 19 and all the negativity that came with it. Howver there were positive things that happened whichwere over looked.

Below are just a few them.

Joy Njekwe, Rachael Akano, and Margaret Akano, two Irish teenagers originally from Nigeria aged 15 and 17 , developed “Memory Haven”, an app for people living with dementia and have gone on to take first prize in the Technovation Girls competition at the 2020 Technovation World Summit, beating 1,500 others from 62 countries.

Puzzles and board games became cool again and offered a much-needed break from our screens.

On 25 August, the World Health Organisation delivered the news that there had been no new cases of wild poliovirus recorded on the continent of Africa since 2016.


53 year old Keith Bigland from Fenland in Cambridgeshire was “distraught” when his late mother’s pet cat, Biscuit, disappeared in 2017 after escaping from their home.But Mr Bigland and his wife Su were in disbelief when a local vet called them last Wednesday to say their fluffy gold and white pet, now aged 14, had been handed in after he was spotted just over one kilometre from their house.

While coronavirus pushed many museums to close, it opened up their collections to audiences virtually.

Andrea Bocelli giving us a free mini concert from Milan.

I wish you all the best for 2021

And although we have lost some of our economy, in many ways we have regained some of our humanity.

Several vaccines have become available ina record time. Opening up possibilities for future vaccines.

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